Monday, February 28, 2011

Google Docs: A Collaboration Technology at Work

            Group work is an important aspect of today’s business world.  Many companies desire employees that can effectively work together on projects to get them accomplished.  This goal is made much easier by the many different collaborative technologies that exist.  Google Docs is one such technology that can be a benefit to a business’ success.
            I worked for an aftermarket auto parts company that made use of Google Docs on a daily basis.  The shipping department and painting facilities were located in Illinois, while the customer service department was located in Utah.  Google Docs was extremely useful because it allowed both departments to update information in the same document and have the record of it for all departments to see.
Employees could instantly check if a part was at the paint shop, in shipment on its way to a customer, or already arrived.  When a shipment was returned to us, it was entered back into a spreadsheet on Google Docs so that the customer service department could resolve any problems or issues with a customer and have the information on hand.
Some of the employees were students with heavy school workloads and were working part time.  Using Google Docs, those employees were still able to get through their workload even if they weren’t physically on site because of the way Google Docs allowed them to be involved in the work and still be at home or school.
            Google Docs is extremely useful because they allow parts of a business to interact across great distances.  Employees also have immediate access to the most up to date information and are able to create and edit new documents.  Google Docs also allows people to work from home if necessary.

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